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Make life an adventure,
and join us in our travels
around the New York City area
Make life an adventure,
and join us in our travels
around the New York City area
Make life an adventure,
and join us in our travels
around the New York City area
Make life an adventure,
and join us in our travels
around the New York City area
Make life an adventure,
and join us in our travels
around the New York City area
Make life an adventure,
and join us in our travels
around the New York City area
Make life an adventure,
and join us in our travels
around the New York City area


Make life an adventure, and join us in our travels around the New York City area. Most of our outings are easily reached by public transportation. Some outings are easy, and others difficult. Be prepared to visit interesting places, and meet new people.

The website is dedicated to Alan Kaye and Helen Mangione-Yee, who each has served as director of the Outdoors Club for many years.

Click on the button below to see our currents outings

Click on the button below to become a member

Our outings

Any general inquiries, suggestions, or notifications? 

Contact us

or send us mail at Outdoors Club, PO Box 41 - Grand Central, New York, NY 101631

We’d love to hear from you!

Proin varius metus dui quam
Nam et libero:

Viverra suspendisse varius dolor ante ad habitasse.
Volutpat augue class elit turpis aenean