The Outdoors Club is dedicated to developing interest, appreciation and knowledge of our natural environment and local attractions by leading walks and hikes in parks, pathways, urban locales and historical neighborhoods. Open to adults 18 and over, outings occur all-year, usually during the weekends. We hike/walk around the New York City and broader Tri-State area. Some outings are easy, and others difficult. All outings are accessible by public transportation.

We hike in parks, the greenbelt, city streets, nature preserves, gardens, and the aqueduct. We enjoy flora and fauna, and go to museums, restaurants and concerts. Our city walks may provide educational information about the history of a neighborhood.  

Individual participants are expected to engage in activities suitable to their ability, experience and physical condition. Leaders may refuse to take anyone who lacks ability or is not properly dressed or equipped. These precautions are for your safety and the well-being of the group. Your participation is voluntary and at your own risk. Remember to bring food and water on all full day activities. Read the description carefully, and follow its directions. If unsure what to wear or bring with you on an activity, contact the leader directly.


The Club is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) 100% volunteer-run organization, funded entirely by dues and contributions which help pay for basic expenses such as Meetup, this website, and newsletter printing. Our dedicated hike leaders and staff, all volunteers happily share their time and expertise with the Outdoors Club community.

The Club received its Certificate of Incorporation from the State of New York on November 20, 1978.


At the 2021 Annual Meeting, the following were elected to their respective positions